1st Semester Reflection

1. Quality Of Work

-In my opinion, I think that the photos I take are okay. They are not the best. It just depends on what project it is. I think I do a good job on the focus and contrast. I have gotten better on that as the days went on

-As far as the quality of my subject matter, I think I need to work on that more. For example, the 8 Elements project. We had different subject to take picture of. So it was quite hard for me to take some of the pictures considering the fact we are at Lakewood Ranch High School. There are not a lot of angles to take pictures from

-Most of my projects I do fulfill or complete. Depending on what the project is, I usually finish in two class periods

-When I get a new project, I tend to get distracted and forget what the main purpose or what I have to do for the project so I get lazy and don't look back. So instead, I try to remember what I read/saw and go from there

-I do follow the proper format and resolution. But for some projects, if it's open and we have to pick ourselves. I get confused because I don't know what to put in. And if I do just pick one, I am afraid that after I am finished with the final piece, it will either be too small, too big, or too wide. Then I will have to start all over again

-Most of the time I do complete my work on time. But if I do get lazy then I tend to goof off and wait till the the last minute to do my project. Then that leads to turning in my work late. But I try not to let that happen all the time. It's just a bad habit

-Yes. Ever since you told us that our first idea is probably your worst idea I never really believed you. Not to be rude or anything. But after you said that, you have us a project and when you were explaining it, I had an idea in mind. And I thought it was really wierd because for a project like this, this was an easy one to be coming up with. So I finished in like 30 minutes. And when I looked at my final product, it was just bad. And yes, it did meet the requirements but I just got that feeling in my gut that it was really bad. So I was thinking and thinking and finally got a good idea and so i did it and it was much better. So you were right, like you always are. Now, I do this with everything I do.

2. Effort

-Yes. I do actively take photos. Even when I dont't have this class or don't have to take photos for a project, I still do take photos. I love photography so when ever I get a chance to take a photo of something beautiful, I take it

-Yes, depending on the project, I try my best to find a good spot or a good sunject of the photo. For example the 8 Elements Project. It was quite difficult to find good spots for each individual topics Mr. Klein was looking for, but I did find spots that where close to what was being asked for

-I tend to get lazy. But if I am really interested in a project, I really do put my effort in. If I am not really interested in the project, it's not really my decision if I want to do it or not, nor is not fair ro Mr. Klein, so I still do it anyway

-Yes. I do shoot more than is required. Because if i shoot the right amount and I don't like some of them, then at least I will have extras to look at.

-YES! OMG. I do that all the time. When I think an idea, project, or assignment is difficult, I tend to not do my very best on it. And I get scared to ask because I feel like I will look stupid if I ask for help. There were many times where I had millions and millions of questions on my projects but I didn't want to ask because I was scared that I will get judged because I don't know how to do it. 

-Yes. I tend to get really upset when that happens, and I get really frustrated. 

- Yes and no? I mean I don't really know. When I see their projects, I am so surprised and I feel like everyones is so good. I don't know how they do it. But I know I could never do what they do. When I see their projects, I also feel mad because I really want to learn how they do such great work and I am over here scared to raise my hand because for a question. 

-No. I do not have a positive attitude towards my own photography and process. This is because when a new project comes in, I get scared too even look at it because if I do, I feel like I can't do it. And obviously, looking at my work now, they are REALLY REALLY bad. And looking at everyone else's project compared to mine, their's is WAYYYY better. I sometimes question myself on why I don't have the confidence to push myself to do better on these projects/assignments.

3. Participation

-Yes. I am ALWAYS on time. Since I have 2 of the same teacher back to back, when the 3rd period bell rings to go to 5th, instead of waiting outside the door, I go walk outside then come back. But even then I am never late. I always get there before the second bell rings. 

-Okay, I guess I'll be honest... it really depends. 3rd period I get distracted my phone. Hopefully next semester, I will try my best to get my work done FIRST instead of me messing around for no reason. 

-I mean it depends on what class. I like to work independently most of the time but not all the time. For this class, I'd rather not work independently because if I have a question then I can at least ask my friends. Even if I do work independently, I am fine with that too because I don't really like to work with people. I am more of an independent person.

-Like I said above. I get distracted easily. Most of my time in class, I do do my work but sometimes I just zone out. And sometimes I fall asleep but I try to fight it. I don't fall asleep because it is boring, its just obviously I had to wake up early

4. Improvement

-I will improve on my work and extend my knowledge in photoshop by doing my very best on my assignments.

5. Adjustment

-I will work much harder and learn more about photoshop so I can be better and produce better projects. I also think I need to adjust how many photos I take and to not to go with your first idea because that will most likely be your worst idea. 

I don't really have a suggested project but I really liked when we did the 8 Elements Project where we went around the campus to take pictures. Maybe we can do something along those lines


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