Letter to The Past Response

You are doing okay on your projects. I am not going to lie and and say that you are doing the best or your succeeding in the class. You could be doing better. For your upcoming projects you just have to use the skills and techniques that you learned in the recent projects and from the beginning of the year. Because you are not doing that, your projects aren't turning out how you want it to. So make sure from now on you use the skills and techniques that were taught to you in class. Now there are some new things you should have learned in photoshop. Because I feel like that since the beginning of the year until now, you haven't learned anything new besides the things you learned from Mr. Klein from the first couple classes. And I feel like that's a problem. Because if you don't learn anything new, your projects are going to be plain and bland and that how you don't learn and get good grades on that assignment. So learning new things from recent projects and using them on the projects now and in the future will help you learn something new and get better grades on assignments.

I wouldn't say that this is an AWESOME product of my project. I would call it more of a work in progress. If I had another chance to do this project over again, I would to take better pictures. If not that, then at least tweak this in photoshop a little bit and make it better. Although it did meet the requirements of this project, I felt like I could have done better. When we got introduced to this project for the first time, I thought that it was going to be a bad one and I was going to fail. But that weekend My family and I went on this boat ride in Tampa and these were just a few of the pictures I took and while I was thinking what to do for the project. I thought about it. I should just do it on this. It was not the best idea but it wasn't the worst either. So if I remember correctly, I took about 20. And when I got to class and I picked three out of the many there were and created this. When I was looking at the final product, I didn't feel good about it, I didn't feel confident about it. So I was thinking of re-doing it but I was hesitating, not because I was lazy or because I didn't want to, but because I couldn't think of anything that would be good enough. And I thought that if I got ride of this one and do another one, the new one was going to be worse that the one above. So I was a little hesitant there. But when I decided to make my Triptych project about this, while I was shooting the pictures, I was actually really enjoying doing this project.


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