Letter to Sarah

               Letter to Sarah

  1. Yes, I do think that the Burns Effect is an effective way to document historical events because I feel like every time I see these historical shows or documentaries, I always see this effect and I always thought it was so cool. It just makes sense when you see it on these types of shows/documentaries. 

  2. I think that the way it moves along the screen to point something out and then it zooms in to point out what it wants you to see or what it is talking about. So if the narrator is talking about one person but it is scanning a whole group of people we are obviously not going to know who the narrator is talking about. So when it pans and zooms in, then it makes it clear what the narrator is trying to say.

  3. I think the reason for placing the music where it was placed because when the narrator was talking about the woman he loved, the background and the background noise was calming and it went with the tone of what he was talking about. 

  4. I think this adds to the success of the scene. This is because the photographs describe what it looked like back then and also the “tone” of what he was talking about. 

  5. I think it strengthens it because I feel like that his tone is calm when he is talking. So by adding this, it goes with the flow.


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